
MartinaPersson - Night wishes

Night wishes

It's 2:30 A.M. 
I'm to tired to even think, but I can't sleep. My mind is playing me a trick again.
Tiny dots and stars are floating infront of my eyes. It's like I'm in space. A big black, yet colorful, space. I am traveling trough a universe far away from ours. I don't know where I'm going, but my mind is somehow focusing on you. It's like I'm trapped inside of your brain. 
I can't focus. Everything's blurry. I see things that's totally un-normal.
I see a unicorn and a talking pineapple. I see the first world war, people getting killed over and over again.
I see us two dancing and singing in your bedroom, totally high on life.
Nothing makes sense. My brain is playing with me.
I think I'm going crazy.
 But there's still one thing I'm sure of..
All I want is for you to be here. To wrap your weak- yet strong arms around me. To cuddle me up, kiss my forhead and hear you say I Love You. 
I can't stand this 'being lonely'- shit. I need you here. Always. I'm addicted to you.
I need you. I need to feel you body against mine. Hear your heartbeat in your chest. To hear your voice say everything is gonna be alright. To look at you and feel the love floating through your vains just by looking into your eyes.
I wanna be able to wake up at 4A.M and just turn around to see your cute sleepy face. I wanna hear you breathe next to me. To feel the child-ish harmonic breath carefully blowing in my ear. I wanna see you dream. Carefully kissing your cheek and then roll back over, just so you can bring me closer to your body again.
I want to be with you. Now, and forever. 
 Without you, up is down and down is up.
Nothing makes sense anymore.
But I guess that's pretty normal...
When you're in love.💘


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